What is 519 Records?

At 519 Records, we are dedicated to achieving excellence in music production. Through our state-of-the-art recording studio and our extensive library of exclusive beats, our unwavering passion for the art is evident.

Established in 2016, 519 Records was founded as a platform for emerging artists and producers to pursue their musical aspirations. We offer comprehensive studio services for developing complete projects, alongside a curated selection of individual beats available for purchase.

We take pride in our Canadian roots, actively collaborating with local producers and artists whenever possible. We are flexible with our scheduling and are happy to work with all budgets to ensure everyone has the opportunity to make the music they love.

Ultimately, what we’ve come to realize is that collaborative efforts often result in music that is richer, more dynamic, and capable of touching hearts and minds in ways that individual efforts may not achieve. It's a testament to the power of unity and teamwork in the creative process.

Allow us to elevate your creative process. With personalized recording sessions led by experienced sound engineers who aim to assist you in crafting a high-quality project that will stand as a hallmark in your music portfolio.

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